North America

Reachability issue: North America - EU - Major Issue

Wed, Dec 18th 2024, 13:43


We have experienced some internal routing issues between Europe and North America.
Issue has been isolated at core equipment level and we are currently working closely with the vendor's support team to resolve the issue.
At this time, client traffic is partially degraded between PoPs in EU and NA.
We will keep you updated as soon as our senior engineers and the vendor reach a solution.

M247 Support

Updated Wed, Dec 18th 2024, 19:59


Traffic has been restored to normal.
Upon several hours of investigations by our engineers, along with the vendor for our core network equipment, the issue could not be isolated. A temporary fix has been applied, data has been collected and sent to vendor's upper tiers for further investigation.
We will closely monitor our core network in North America until we reach a conclusion and permanent fix.

M247 Network Operations Centre