
Connectivity issues for a limited number of customers in the Manchester area - Issue resolved

Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 08:04

The M247 NOC team have received a number of alerts regarding our RAN services. These alerts have been triaged and a major incident status has been triggered.
We are now in the process of performing initial diagnostics. Once these diagnostics have been completed, we will escalate through the necessary channels.  
Further updates will be provided via the communication thread.   Next update time: 9:00 AM or sooner
M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 20:51


We can now confirm that services have been restored.

If you are still experiencing service loss or would like to request a PIR document, please contact

Thank you for your patience throughout the incident. As part of our post incident review, we will conduct a root cause analysis and identify any relevant remediation activities.

M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 19:48


Please see our latest update below,

Field engineers are moving ports from the old device to the new one.

A significant portion has been completed. We expect full restoration shortly.

We appreciate your patience throughout this major incident.

Next update time: 21:00 or sooner

M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 18:43


Please see our latest update below,

We regret to inform you that the device brought by the engineers for replacement in the field turned out to be faulty.

Currently, the configuration of the new device is being set up, and it will be sent to the field soon.

We appreciate your patience throughout this major incident.

Next update time: 20:00 or sooner

M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 17:20


Please see our latest update below,

Engineers are currently replacing the faulty hardware on site.

Next update time: 19:00 or sooner

M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 16:16


Please see our latest update below,

We have now replaced multiple hardware components which as previously mentioned restored partial service.

The systemic nature of the issue indicates a backplane error on the impacted device. To avoid causing further delays in incident resolution we will now be moving forward with a full chassis replacement.

We appreciate your patience throughout this major incident.

Next update time: 17:30 PM or sooner

M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 15:22


Please see our latest update below,

We’re seeing partial restoration of service but these services are still at risk as we work towards full resolution..

Next update time: 16:30 PM or sooner

M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 14:30


Please see our latest update below,

Our engineers are currently preparing to replace the faulty hardware.

Next update time: 15:30 PM or sooner

M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 13:27


Please see our latest update below,

A potential hardware fault has been identified, and our Infrastructure team is working towards a solution for this issue.

Next update time: 14:30 PM or sooner.

M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 12:32


Please see our latest update below,

Our engineers are currently working on resolving the issue and are coordinating with our infrastructure team.

Next update time: 13:30 PM or sooner

M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 11:28


Please see our latest update below,

Our field engineers have arrived on site and are currently investigating the issue.

Actively investing this issue.

Next update time: 12:30 PM or sooner

M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 10:27


Please see our latest update below,

Our field engineers have been dispatched and are currently travelling to the site.

Next update time: 11:30 AM or sooner

M247 Support

Updated Mon, Dec 11th 2023, 09:24


After performing initial diagnostics, we have identified a fault with our Manchester RAN services.

Please be assured that we have escalated this incident and are in the process of deploying our engineers to the affected site for immediate resolution.

Next update time: 10:30 AM or sooner

M247 Support