Please note that in the event of a critical issue that is service affecting, our network team are likely to be concentrating on resolving the problem and will probably be under instruction to keep conversations to a minimum until any outstanding issues are resolved.
This service is available for Metronet customers who are looking for a real-time technical feed.
The service provides bespoke information about the Metronet network directly from our network operations centre and will include relevant other industry data that the NOC team are aware of that might have a bearing on your connectivity.
If you want to discuss any issue that is affecting your business, regardless of whether or not it's listed above, then you can call us any time using the contact details below.
Contact usFor access, service requests and fault reporting, send an email to ticket@metronet-uk.com detailing the request and it will be dealt with as soon as possible.
Submit ticketIssues
Please note that in the event of a critical issue that is service affecting, our network team are likely to be concentrating on resolving the problem and will probably be under instruction to keep conversations to a minimum until any outstanding issues are resolved.
If you want to discuss any issue that is affecting your business, regardless of whether or not it's listed above, then you can call us any time using the contact details below.
Contact usFor access, service requests and fault reporting, send an email to ticket@m247.com detailing the request and it will be dealt with as soon as possible.
Submit ticket